Month: March 2019

Artificial Cranial Deformation by Eric John Dingwall (1931)

Artificial Cranial Deformation by Eric John Dingwall (1931)

A Contribution to the Study of Ethnic Mutilations Note: These pdfs were created using a photocopy of this extensive, authoritative, out-of-print, hard-to-get, book on cranial deformation. My apologies for the image quality. Contents Introduction (3.5 MB) Pp. 1-14Chapter I. Artificial Cranial Deformation in Europe (5 MB) Pp. 16-45Chapter II. Later Artificial Cranial Deformation in Europe (4.5 MB) Pp. 46-79Chapter III. Artificial Cranial Deformation in Asia (2.8 MB) Pp. 79-101Chapter IV. Artificial Cranial Deformation in Africa (5.3 MB) Pp. 102-121Chapter V. Artificial Cranial Deformation in Indonesia and New Guinea (1.8 MB) Pp. 122-134Chapter VI. Artificial Cranial Deformation in Melanesia (1.5 MB) Pp. 135-146Chapter…
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Anthropometry by Aleš Hrdlička (1920)

Anthropometry by Aleš Hrdlička (1920)

Contents Preface and Contents (0.25 MB)Introduction (0.34 MB) Pp. 7-9Monaco Agreement (0.95 MB) Pp. 10-25Geneva Agreement (0.43 MB) Pp. 25-31Preliminaries (1.47 MB) Pp. 32-51Anthropometry of the Living (2.77 MB) Pp. 52-88Anthropometry of Skeletal Parts (1.68 MB) Pp. 89-112Visual Observations (0.27 MB) Pp. 113-116Osteometry (2.4 MB) Pp. 117-154Index (0.51 MB) Pp. 155 -163
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Chapter 39, Second Edition

Chapter 39, Second Edition

Just returned my proof for the my chapter, "Biological basis of cleft palate and palatal surgery" In: FJM Verstraete, MJ Lommer, B Arzi (eds.), Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in Dogs and Cats (2nd ed). Saunders: Philadelphia. Expected publication in late 2019 (probably ahead of the Fall Semester).
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